Pink Colored Cerium and Neodymium Doped YAG

Neodymium (Nd) YAG with Cerium is a material whose color varies depending on the concentrations of Cerium and Neodymium. This particular variety contains a large proportion of Neodymium and a small amount of Cerium. It is believed that Cerium is added to Neodymium YAG to enhance the laser's power, although the exact mechanism remains unclear. What is known is that it produces a beautiful gemstone, with the presence of Cerium imparting a striking fluorescent pink under UV light. The finished gem shows a color change similar to that of regular Neodymium YAG, but with the white hue being slightly more yellow. The final gem's color ranges from rose to pure pink, depending on the extent of Cerium zoning within the gem.
These materials were selected from a large batch of boule tops, chosen specifically for their low concentration of Cerium and high concentration of Neodymium.